Stay; home

performed by the Playground Ensemble
installation by Brian Ellis

Move: WASD


STAY; ho(me) is a mixed reality web-based installation that provides audience members a small personal space in which to reflect and recuperate. While this piece is latent with the scars of the pandemic, this backdrop is a setting rather than a focal point. This work aims to explore themes of self-worth, motivation, connection, individual choice, and self-determination; all issues I think we can agree predate March 2020. It is my hope that by spending a bit of time in this experience, you might find new context and new comfort within which to situate your current reality, whatever that may be.

Logistical things: headphones are great if you've got them.

This experience was developed on a mac using primarily chrome. It has been tested with others operating systems and browsers, but if using this combination is an option for you, you'll likely get the most reliable results.

And while I'm not going to tell you how to live your life, if you close out of other applications and tabs, this will run a lot more smoothly. Thanks in advance.